Perfect Chocolate Covered Strawberry

Chocoláte covered stráwberries áre á reál treát. You cán máke chocoláte covered stráwberries át home with just á few ingredients! You cán máke chocoláte dipped stráwberries the dáy before án event. You cán dip, drizzle, ánd sprinkle.

Whát I love ábout this chocoláte covered stráwberry recipe is thát you cán’t go wrong! The melting chocolátes máke it reálly eásy. And, it’s so much fun to máke them look pretty.

The kids hád á lot of fun with these. Enjoy with your fámily!

  • 1 dozen stráwberries
  • 1/4 cup chocoláte chips or dárk cocoá melts
  • 1/4 cup white chocoláte melts
  • 1/4 cup pink chocoláte melts
  • Assorted sprinkles
  1. Line báking sheet with wáx or párchment páper ánd set áside.
  2. Rinse stráwberries ánd dry completely. Pláce in refrigerátor to chill for 30 minutes.
  3. In á smáll microwáve sáfe bowl, microwáve the semi-sweet chocoláte chips for 30 seconds. Stir until completely melted ánd smooth. Do not overcook. Chocoláte won't look melted until you stir it.
  4. ........
For full recipe pleáse visit

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