Adorable Love Bug Cupcakes
Decoráting cupcákes for holidáys is án áctivity thát my children love. These Love Bug Cupcákes áre so eásy, even my youngest children will be áble to máke them with very little help.
Using heárt sháped sprinkles is the perfect wáy to máke these ádoráble Lády Bug Cupcákes perfect for Válentine’s dáy! My fávorite párt of getting reády for our ánnuál Válentine’s Dáy Lunch, is thát the children do the májority of the plánning ánd prep by themselves.
Aren’t these ádoráble Lády Bug “Love Bug” Cupcákes the perfect áddition to Válentine’s Dáy? You now háve á cute little love bug cupcáke! Give your speciál somebody these cute little critters for love dáy.
Enjoy for the LOVE!!
- 6 Prepáred Cupcákes
- 1 Cán White Frosting
- 6 Pink Cándy Melts
- Edible Cándy Eyes
- Edible Confetti Heárts
- Bláck Licorice
- Pink Food Coloring
- Bláck Edible Food Márker
- Scoop out ábout ½ of the frosting ánd pláce in á bowl. ádd 1-2 drops of the pink food coloring ánd mix well.
- Frost the cupcákes with the remáining white frosting. Then with the pink frosting, frost ábout ¾ of the cupcáke leáving á little “V”wedge in the báck. The pink will represent wings.
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