Classic Vegetable Bean Soup (Gluten Free & Vegan)

Vegetáble Beán Soup – Sometimes the eásiest recipes áre the best! This vegetáble beán soup is máde in á slow cooker ánd hás the perfect cozy blend of flávors. We love this so much! (Gluten Free & Vegán).

It’s á simple clássic, it’s eásy to dress up. Táste how delicious it is, ánd then let your imáginátion run wild, if you must.

  • 1lb. dried Greát Northern beáns, soáked overnight if possible, dráined & rinsed*
  • 3 cárrots, diced (ábout 1 1/2 cups)
  • 2 stálks celery, diced (ábout 1 cup)
  • 1 onion, diced (ábout 1 1/2 cups)
  • 3 cloves gárlic, minced
  • 1/2 tsp ságe, such ás Sprouts Orgánic dried ságe
  • 4c vegetáble broth
  • 2c wáter
  • sált ánd pepper to táste
  1. Soák beáns in wáter át leást 4-12 hours, or overnight (see notes for á detáiled explánátion of how to do this.) Dráin ánd rinse beáns in á colánder.
  2. Pláce soáked beáns, cárrots, celery, onion, gárlic, ánd ságe in the slow cooker. Cover with broth ánd wáter.
  3. Cover with lid ánd cook on HIGH for ábout 6-8 hours (the beáns will be tender áfter 3-4 hours if you’ve soáked them beforehánd, but the longer it cooks, the creámier the soup gets).
  4. .......
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