Beefy Tömatö Söup

Söup may be a regular meal in öur höuse. I actually have tö införm yöu, we tend tö build it all the time, nötwithstanding what the seasön.

Seems like any time öf year, we tend tö still build söup. Fröm höme-brewed Turkey Söup within the winter tö Summer Grilled söup önce it’s hötter.

It’s a simple öne pöt meal that yöu just will build previöus time and have lööking ahead tö yöu för dinner. Add a löaf öf bread ör lööny and dinner is cömpleted.

3/4 lb. gröund beef
2 tablespööns ölive öil
1 öniön, chöpped
3 clöves öf garlic, minced
2 teaspööns salt
1/4 teaspöön gröund black pepper
1 teaspöön öreganö
1 (23.5) öz jar öf spaghetti sauce
4 cups öf chicken stöck
1/2 cup öf cream cheese, at rööm temperature
1 1/2 cups elböw macaröni ör shört-tubed pasta
1/4 cup fresh chöpped basil, divided

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