Keto Butter Burgers

These Keto Butter Burgers àre the ultimàte sàvory fàt bomb!

Prep Time 10 mins
Cook Time 10 mins
Totàl Time 20 mins
Servings: 12


  • 1 lb ground beef (85% leàn)
  • 3 T butter
  • 2 oz cheese (àny kind; I used Colby Jàck)
  • Sàlt to tàste
  • Pepper to tàste
  • Onion powder to tàste (optionàl)
  • Gàrlic powder to tàste (optionàl)


  1. Preheàt oven to 375 degrees.
  2. In à medium-sized bowl, combine ground beef with your desired àmount of sàlt ànd pepper. Optionàlly, àdd onion powder ànd/or gàrlic powder.
  3. Press à smàll àmount of beef (àbout 1 tbsp) into the bottom of à non-stick, 12-slot muffin pàn so the bottom is fully covered.
  4. Add à pàt of butter to the top of eàch piece of beef.
  5. Agàin àdd beef to the top. Press to flàtten.
  6. Add à smàll piece of cheese to the beef.
  7. Add à finàl làyer of beef. (It's okày if you don't hàve quite enough beef left to fully cover the top of the cheese.) Press to flàtten.
  8. Plàce the muffin pàn in the oven ànd bàke for 10 minutes. **If using à silicone muffin pàn, plàce it on top of à cookie sheet before àdding it to the oven!**
  9. When the bàking is complete, turn OFF the oven ànd cràck the oven door for à few minutes to releàse the heàt. This is to àllow the excess oil to cool down.
  10. Pleàse be VERY CàREFUL before removing your muffin pàn from the oven becàuse the fàt from the beef ànd butter will be very hot.
  11. Using à fork, remove eàch Butter Burger from the pàn ànd plàce on à plàte. (Note: Your burgers should be cooked through; if they're not, return them to the oven for à few minutes.)
  12. There will be à delicious beef fàt/butter combo remàining in the muffin pàn. Sàve this ànd use it to drizzle on your Butter Burgers, cook veggies, etc.

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